Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands
February 28, 2022

Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands

Clean-Dezert is a nonprofit organization dedicated to removing trash from the desert and contributing to a cleaner environment. They host volunteer events where people can gather and clear illegal waste in southern California deserts. Their mission is to bring the community together to help keep public lands clean and open for everyone to enjoy, as well as spread awareness on not dumping trash in the desert.

Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands

Trail Trust provided funds for Clean-Dezert to purchase special equipment for clearing the desert. The tools are specifically designed to remove any trash that is normally difficult to remove, such as nails left in the ground or waste entangled in bushes. Clearing this waste helps protect wildlife and the environment, while also keeping public lands safer for everyone.

Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands

Our El Cajon employees volunteered at Clean-Dezert's Ocotillo Wells event in February 2022. Along with 400 other volunteers, they spent their Saturday cleaning up the desert, resulting in four 40-cubic yard dumpsters full of trash in the span of just three hours. The event provided lunch and held raffles as a way to thank volunteers for donating their time to protect the environment.

Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands

Casey Lund, Director of Engineering for Fox Factory's Powered Vehicle Division, shared, "When we heard about the Clean-Dezert event being held in our backyard, the Fox Factory Engineering Department was excited to participate. This area is important to us as our desert proving grounds and we visit it often for work and play. We will pick up trash and debris as a habit when out on tuning trips and testing. Helping in a bigger coordinated effort was great! We had a lot of Fox employees from multiple departments join an impressive effort and were happy to do our part to keep this natural resource safe and accessible."

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